ROAR (Robeson Overcoming Adversity Through Resilience) is a committed group of stakeholders that meet monthly to learn, to partner, and to help build awareness of ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) and grow resilience for our community by focusing on five protective factors known to help buffer the effects of ACEs and essentially prevent child abuse and neglect.
Our Mission
To educate, connect and empower the people of Robeson County by increasing awareness and understanding of Adverse Childhood and Community Experiences and teaching skills for building resilience.
Our Vision
That every person in Robeson County will have the tools they need to recognize, process and overcome their own adversities and that individual, familial and community resilience will thrive.
Our Plans
Tri County CPAP
Bladen, Columbus, and Robeson Counties are home to more than 218,855 residents. These three counties encompass our tri-county region.Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust (KBR) released a funding opportunity focused on addressing the impact of toxic stress and childhood trauma in Southeastern North Carolina...
Bladen County CPAP
In 2019, The film Resilience: The Biology of Stress & The Science of Hope was shown for the first time in Bladen County. The viewing of the film opened the door for the community to learn about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)...
Columbus County CPAP
Resilient Columbus is a task force of local leaders who are looking to address adverse childhood experiences and build resiliency in Columbus County by educating within the community. Ourmission is to promote resilience in Columbus County through education...
Robeson County CPAP
Robeson County CPAP aim is to build safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for children and families in Robeson County to prevent child abuse and neglect.In Robeson County, children grow up in a safe, stable, and nurturing community where families thrive...
Our Plans

ROAR stakeholders drafted and created a complete Community Prevention Action Plan (CPAP) in the fall of 2021. Additionally, we worked alongside Columbus and Bladen Counties in our region to develop a CPAP for our Tri-County Region. These plans can be found here: https://bit.ly/CPAP-tri-county
Calendar of Events
Please check out our calendar of events for information about upcoming Community Resilience-related events and activities and our ROAR trainings and meetings. If you are a community partner and would like an event, training, or activity added to the calendar, please email
Calendar of Events
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This site is made possible by a generous grant from Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust.